Nayagarh: After five days of intense search operation, a missing 12-year-old minor boy, Amrit Patra was rescued near his village Kural under Odogaon police limits in Odisha’s Nayagarh on Monday.
According to sources, some locals spotted Amrit, son of Kalia Patra, standing on the roadside near his village this morning and informed the police.
Upon getting information, the local police arrived and took him to his family. “He has been taken to the district headquarters hospital (DHH) in Nayagarh to conduct a thorough check-up as he has become weak due to lack of food. We will ask him about the incident after he returns to good health. Details will be disclosed later,” Nayagarh Superintendent of Police (SP) Alekh Chandra Pahi told media.
Amrit went missing on the evening of December 15 while returning from tuition. Suspecting that he had been kidnapped, the family filed a missing complaint following which police formed two teams including a dog squad and launched an investigation. His bicycle was recovered during the search operation.
Meanwhile, the locals alleged that a Bolero was seen in the area over the last few days, but it was not seen after the minor went missing. They added that the same car must have dropped back Amrit after learning about the search operation.
“A local was going to the tubewell to collect water when Amrit waved at him. I rushed to the spot after receiving a call regarding this and brought him home,” the Sarpanch of Kural village Bijan Paikray told local media.
Paikray added that Amrit said that he had indeed been kidnapped. “On being asked, Amrit said that the kidnappers had tied his hands and kept him and were also providing him food,” said the Sarpanch.