Odisha Plus II Exam Results Out; Pass Rate 86.93% In Science, 80.95% In Arts & 82.27% In Commerce

Bhubaneswar: Odisha’s Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) on Sunday declared the results all streams of Plus II examinations on the same day after a gap of 16 years.

Announcing the results at a press briefing here in the afternoon, CHSE chairman Ashwini Kumar Mishra said: “The last time the results of all three streams were published on the same date was in 2008. After 16 years, we released the results of all the streams of Plus-II examinations simultaneously today.”

Girl students have performed better than boy students in all the three streams, he added.

The pass percentage in Science stream stood at 86.93. Similarly, 82.27% students passed in Commerce stream and 80.95% in Arts stream. This apart, the pass rate in vocational education was 68.02%.

In Science stream, 1,00,757 of 1,16,630 students, who had registered for the exam, passed. 87.74 per cent girls cleared the exam against 86. 21 per cent boys. A total of 2,37,750 students registered for the Plus II Arts exam of which 1,90,429 passed. The pass rate for boys is 72.68 per cent and that for girls is 87.56 per cent. In Commerce, 21,308 of 26,089 registered students passed. The pass rate for girls in Commerce is 85.55 per cent and boys 80.40 per cent.

According to CHSE, 21 higher secondary schools in Arts, 292 schools in Science and 92 schools in Commerce produced 100 per cent results.

Students can also check the results on the official websites of CHSE – chseodisha.nic.in and orissaresults.nic.in.

This year, nearly 3.84 lakh students, including 3.59 lakh regular and 25,000 ex-regular students, appeared for the Plus II board exams at 1,160 test centres across the state from February 16 to March 20.

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