Rayagada: In a tragic incident, a Class VIII student died in a freak mishap while attending an online class on a hilltop near his native village in Rayagada district on Tuesday.
According to sources, Adria Jagaranga (13), a student of Missionary High School in Cuttack, had come to his native village Kandhapanduraguda in Nuagada panchayat of Padmapur block as his school was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, he was regularly attending online classes during his stay in the village.
As his village is in a remote area of the district, he had no access to the mobile network and so he used to attend online classes on the top of a hill near his village.
On Tuesday afternoon, Adria went to the hilltop to attend the online class like every day. While attending the class, a big stone on which he was sitting, suddenly slipped. He fell down and the stone crushed his right leg.
The fire brigade rushed to the spot and admitted him to the CHC at Padmapur for the first-aid. However, he succumbed to his injuries when the family members were about to shift him to the MKCG Medical College and Hospital in Berhampur.