Bhubaneswar: The Vigilance sleuths on Thursday detected a triple-storey building worth around Rs 1.36 crore, six plots, three four-wheelers and other assets during simultaneous searches at four places linked to Odisha Administrative Officer (OAS) Sangram Keshari Jena, who is currently posted at Revenue & Disaster Management Department in Bhubaneswar, on allegation of possessing properties disproportionate to his known sources of income.
Jena earlier served as Buguda Tehsildar.
1) A triple-storey building worth around Rs 1.36 crore over 7554 sqft area at Jena Colony, Balugaon, in Khurda district
2) One building over 2700 sqft area at Haripur, Tangi, Khurdha district
3) 6 plots, including five at Banpur and one at Balugaon
4) 3 four-wheelers (TATA Harrier, Maruti Ertiga & Maruti Alto LXI) and 2 two-wheelers.
According to a Vigilance release, an advance of Rs 11 lakh was also given by Jena to purchase a benami plot at Rampur, Balugaon. This along with bank and insurance deposits is under verification. The technical wing of the agency is also carrying out measurement and valuation/assessment of the buildings/plots.
The raids are continuing at several places in Khurdha district, including a house of his relative at Balugaon, by a team led by three DSPs, 10 inspectors, and other staff, it added.