Bengaluru: As India on Friday bid a tearful goodbye to Gen Bipin Rawat, there were some disrespectful comments on India’s first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) as well as speculative theories on why the Army helicopter crashed in Tamil Nadu on December 8.
Karnataka chief minister Basavaraj Bommai issued a warning that people posting such messages will be booked immediately.
“Offensive Tweets and Social Media posts about the tragic chopper crash in which we lost our #CDSGeneralBipinRawat will not be tolerated. I strongly condemn all such messages and have instructed our Police Officials to take strict disciplinary legal action against the offenders,” Bommai was quoted as saying by ANI.
“Some persons with perverted minds have tweeted derogative, celebratory messages about the death of Chief of Defence Staff Gen Rawat. The Police Chief has been instructed to take legal action against these elements,” the CM informed.
Indian Air Force had issued a statement earlier in the day urged people to avoid uninformed speculation.
“IAF has constituted a tri-service Court of Inquiry to investigate the cause of the tragic helicopter accident on 08 Dec 21. The inquiry would be completed expeditiously & facts brought out. Till then, to respect the dignity of the deceased, uninformed speculation may be avoided,” the Air Force said.
The CDS apart, his wife Madhulika Rawat and 11 Army personnel lost their lives as it crashed in the Niligiris two days ago.
Investigation is underway to ascertain the reason for the crash.