New Delhi: Despite tough competition with ‘Gadar2,’ Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi starrer ‘OMG 2’ has received much praise from critics and the audience since its release. Along with the two stars, young actor Aarush Varma makes his debut in the film. He plays Pankaj’s son. Aarush impressed viewers with his performance but the young actor told News18 that he has not got a chance to see his own movie due to the A-rating. Aarush is 16 years old.
Aarush confessed to News18 that he was upset that he couldn’t watch the film at the premiere but Akshay Kumar made up for it by inviting him to the film’s party. “I was very upset after the premiere. Even though it was a great night, I was upset because I didn’t get to see my movie. It has received an A certificate and I am 16. But, my mom and my sister were acting very suspicious. I asked them what was going on and they told me that Akshay sir has invited us for the party after the premiere. I was in disbelief,” he admitted.