New Delhi: Despite receiving mixed to negative reviews from all quarters, Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Ranbir Kapoor-starrer Animal broke more box office records on Sunday, marking an unprecedented success story. During the day, the actioner even surpassed the three-day collection of Siddharth Anand’s Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathaan, although it fell short of the record set by Atlee Kumar’s SRK film Jawan. Animal also emerged as the second film of the year, after Jawan, to enter the Rs 200 crore club in India and the Rs 350 cr club worldwide within three days, as per a report in The Indian Express.
According to trade analyst Ramesh Bala, Animal’s worldwide gross collection stands at Rs 360 crore. “For the 3-day opening weekend, #Animal grosses a whopping ₹ 360 Crs at the WW Box office,” he tweeted. Jawan, the biggest earner this year, made Rs 384.6 crore in the first three days while Pathaan grossed Rs 313 crores.
On its third day in theatres, Animal raked in Rs 72.50 crore in the domestic market, according to early estimates by the industry tracker Sacnilk, reflecting an 8.5 per cent surge in daily box office earnings compared to the previous day. Thus, Animal’s three-day domestic net collection reached Rs 202.57 crore, just shy of Jawan’s Rs 206.06 crore and well beyond Pathan’s Rs 166.75 crore.
While Animal is breaking box office records, the film has also been facing intense scrutiny for its misogyny, violence and vulgarity, with a section of the audience calling it out.