Parents Donate CP-Afflicted Son’s Body For Medical Research In Odisha’s Sambalpur

Sambalpur: In a noble gesture, the parents of a cerebral palsy-afflicted boy donated his body who died after suffering from the disease for years in Odisha’s Sambalpur. The body would be used for medical research and studies.

The body of Saisharan Nanda (19) was donated by his parents to Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Science and Research (VIMSAR) at Burla following his death recently, his family members said.

His parents – senior journalist Siba Shankar Nanda and educationist Manjari of Sambalpur – donated the body to the anatomy department of VIMSAR.

Nanda said that the eyes of Saisharan were also donated to help others without vision to see the world.

The family members donated the body in the presence of several distinguished persons, medical students and officials of VIMSAR.

Executive Director of VIMSAR Bhabagrahi Rath and head of anatomy department Mamata Sar were among those present on the occasion. They said the body would be of immense use for medical students at the institute.

Bodies of persons with disabilities and cerebral palsy are considered more useful for the students, they said, adding that one dead body is generally used by ten students during practical studies.

Since 200 students do practical studies simultaneously at VIMSAR, more bodies are often required. The demand for bodies has gone up as the number of medical colleges in the state has also increased.

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