New Delhi: A four-year-old boy who went missing from his school premises on Thursday was found dead inside the school in Bihar’s Digha area in Patna on Friday, police said. Agitated parents, family members, and locals blocked the Digha-Patna and Digha-Ashiana roads, disrupting traffic and burning tyres. They also ransacked the school premises after discovering the child’s body, Economic Times reported.
The body was found within the school grounds inside a drain. This discovery led to a furious reaction from the local community, resulting in the school being set ablaze.
According to the Patna Superintendent of Police Chandra Prakash, the CCTV showed the child was entering the school but at no point, he can be seen leaving the school premises. He said they would investigate it as a murder case as they were hiding the body and it shows criminal intent, adding that three persons have been detained.
The family suspects foul play, believing enmity with their family may have led to the child’s murder. The boy attended both school and tuition classes on the school premises. His father said the child went to school at 6 am but did not return home by 5 pm, ET reported.
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