New Delhi: A schoolboy allegedly mixed urine in the water bottle of a girl from another community in Rajasthan’s Luharia village in Bhilwara, leading to massive protests. The female student of Government Senior Higher Secondary School allegedly mistakenly drank urine. The girl also allegedly found a love letter inside her bag. The incident reportedly took place on Friday.
“After drinking from the bottle, she detected the foul odour upon which she complained. To her surprise, she also found a letter with “love you” written on it in her bag,” the police official told India Today.
The school principal allegedly did not take any action on the complaint of the girl. This agitated locals and thus, angered people from the girl’s community and protested against the incident. When the school opened on Monday, the angry people complained to the Luharia police station in charge and the school principal locked the school.
The protest then turned violent and police had to resort to lathi-charge to calm the protesters down in Luharia village in Bhilwara. The locals also entered the locality of the accused and pelted stones at the boy’s house. The police said that the accused had yet not filed any complaint in the incident.
“The student has not yet filed a formal complaint with the police. However, if a complaint is lodged against the people who entered the locality of the accused and engaged in stone-pelting, the police will take appropriate action,” ASP Ghanashyam Sharma toldIndia Today.