Bengaluru: Despite the grave concern over the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a railway officer in Bengaluru risked the lives of many by allegedly hiding her virus-infected son in a government guest house and keeping his foreign travel history under wraps.
According to PTI, the woman, who is an assistant personnel officer, did not inform the health officials about her son’s travel history to Germany and booked him a room in the guest house. The officer has been suspended for this irresponsible act.
Speaking about the incident, railway spokesperson E. Vijaya stated that as per the recent Karnataka Epidemic Act, any person with a travel history to a country affected by COVID-19 must alert the health officials.
Vijaya, as quoted by PTI, said, “She not only failed to inform authorities about her son’s return from Germany but also endangered the lives of others.”
The 25-year-old boy had flown down to India from Germany via Spain on March 13. On his arrival at Bengaluru airport, the authorities had instructed him to stay in quarantine at home. Later, on March 18, the boy tested positive for COVID-19.
To contain the pandemic, the guest house, where the infected boy stayed, has been closed and its staff have been kept in quarantine.
“All the officers and families who stayed in the resthouse are being informed to be on look out and be alert for symptoms,” said the spokesperson.
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 15 coronavirus cases have so far been reported in Karnataka.