SAI International Pays Tribute To Founder-Chairman Bijaya Kumar Sahoo

Bhubaneswar: Over 5000 parents, teachers and students attended the ‘Founder’s Memorial Talk’ at SAI International school on Monday when keynote speaker Devdutt Pattanaik shared valuable insights on the theme ‘Happy Minds, Bright Future.’

It was preceded by ‘Advaya’, an artful experience for parents and students, to foster bonds between them.

SAI International Education Group has been paying tribute to the enduring legacy of Founder-Chairman Dr Bijaya Kumar Sahoo throughout August and September with their ‘Founder’s Memorial Series.’

“In the journey of life, a happy and relaxed mind is the compass that guides us towards a brighter future. For students, cultivating happiness is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity to inculcate it amidst them, as backed by mythology. Happiness is subjective and immeasurable, and one prominent emotion that we should all teach our kids is the power to be content. Mythology, with its timeless stories and wisdom, serves as a reservoir of life lessons, offering profound insights on how to navigate the complexities of existence,” Pattanaik said while delivering his speech.

Reflecting on the difference between ‘Bigyan Ka Sach’ and ‘Vishwas Ka Sach’, Pattanaik spoke of how Royal Society’s motto ‘Nullius In Verba’ is taken to mean take nobody’s word for it.

After the speech, SAIoneers engaged in a Question & Answer session with Pattanaik, as they sought guidance on how to cultivate inner peace and essential factors to consider for a bright future.

Winners of ‘Founder Debate Cup 2023,’ a debate featuring students of Classes IX-XII, were felicitated.

“Our school’s core mission is the promotion of happiness within education. Dr Bijaya Kumar Sahoo consistently underscored the significance of the ‘Happiness Quotient’ in one’s life, placing it in higher regard than mere intellectual prowess (IQ). As I step into the role of carrying forth the legacy of SAI International, I do so with a deep sense of purpose and reverence. It is my solemn mission to walk the path envisioned by our revered Founder-Chairman, where happiness and knowledge intertwine seamlessly,” said Dr Silpi Sahoo, Chairperson, SAI International Education Group.

During August and September, the school community came together to commemorate the Founder’s Memorial Series to remember and reflect the visionary leadership and unwavering commitment of the late Dr Bijaya Sahoo.

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