Bhubaneswar: Television’s most popular reality show, Bigg Boss, has returned with its 16th season with Salman Khan as the host. Among the contestants are Sajid Khan, Femina Miss India runner-up Manya Singh, Tina Dutta, Soundarya Sharma, Shalin Bhanot, Shiv Thakare, Sumbul Touqueer, Sreejita De, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, Archana Gautam and MC Stan.
Sajid Khan, who has been away from work after he was accused of #metoo allegations by multiple women, also joined the show as a contestant. The host-turned-filmmaker opened up about facing troubled times in life and not getting work for the last four years.
Sajid talked about how success and his arrogance destroyed him and revealed that he was sacked from Housefull 4 overnight and his credit was taken away.
“In the last four years, I lost that connection and touch. Bigg Boss is the correct platform to connect with them once again. I don’t know for how long I will be in the house, maybe a week, two weeks or months. I want to connect with the audience again,” said Sajid while talking to Salman Khan.
On the other hand, Manya made a splash with her confident entry on the show. In 2020, Manya Singh became the talk of the town after she was crowned the runner-up of the Femina Miss India title. Her victory was all the more special as she is the daughter of an auto-rickshaw driver.
While Salman talked with her about her life after the pageant victory she said, “I only got one advertisement in two years after winning the Miss India title. It has been a difficult journey for me. My father still rides the auto-rickshaw.”
“Most of the offers did not materialise because of my dark skin tone. People used to say that winning a pageant is not enough,” she added.
The Bigg Boss house has been designed on circus theme with sculptures of horse, elephant, cheetah and zebra. There are four private bedrooms including a lavish room for the house captain. The captain’s room also has a bathtub this season. Maut Ka Kua is the other interesting aspect of the Bigg Boss house this year. The numbers may also increase, given there are many more nooks and corners this time. Also, the garden area has a number of isolated ‘chilling zones’ — one atop a mezzanine, while another with a soundproof glass wall.
The show will air on Colors TV and VOOT every day where viewers can watch their favourite contestants being captured by a total of 98 cameras.
Have a look at Bigg Boss 16 House:
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