New Delhi: Actor Salman Khan recently travelled to Dubai for work commitments, accompanied by his niece Alizeh Agnihotir. He attended an event for Hello magazine in the city. At the event, emcee Sophie Choudry asked Alizeh, “If you were ever to write a book about your uncle, what would you title it?”
As Alizeh paused for a moment to think, Salman said, “I won’t let her write a book on me.” Everyone was left in splits. Alizeh said, “I don’t think there’s gonna be a book like that…” Salman, interrupting her again, said, “The amount she knows about me (shakes his head). Don’t want no bestsellers.”
Earlier, designer Manish Malhotra shared a post on Instagram featuring Salman. He wrote, “Our Dubai team was very to excited to have the fabulous and the one and only @beingsalmankhan to have him at our Dubai mall flagship store.” Salman, in the photo, was seen in a beige full sleeved T-shirt, denims and shoes. He stood next to Manish and his team in the picture.
On Monday morning, Salman returned to Mumbai. He was seen in a black shirt, denims and shoes. The actor also wore a hat. He exited the airport, looked around and nodded as paparazzi clicked his pictures. He was accompanied by his team. The actor made his way to the car and left the airport.
MEGASTAR SALMAN KHAN answered the question – “if a book is written on him?”
😂😂#Hello100 #HelloLeagacyoftomorrow #Sikandar #SalmanKhan— Lokendra Kumar (@rasafi24365) May 19, 2024