New Delhi: Vice-President and Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla jointly launched Sansad TV on Wednesday to mark International Day of Democracy.
Lauding the transformation of the channel associated with Parliament in accordance with rapidly changing times, Prime Minister Modi termed the launch of Sansad TV as “a new chapter in Indian democracy”.
Modi expressed that the country is getting a medium of communication and dialogue which will become “a new voice of the nation’s democracy and people’s representative”.
Noting that today is International Day of Democracy, Modi remarked that India’s responsibility is more as the country is the mother of democracy.
“Democracy for India is not just a system, it is an idea. Democracy in India is not just a constitutional structure, but it is a spirit. Democracy in India is not just a collection of streams of constitutions, it is our life stream,” said Modi, who also greeted Doordarshan for completing 62 years and greeted all engineers on the occasion of Engineer’s Day.
Modi observed that there is much for the youth to learn from debates on diverse subjects when Parliament is in session. He added that from these programmes on Sansad TV, “our youth will get to learn a lot about our democratic institutions, their functioning as well as civic duties.”
Further, there will be a lot of information about working committees, importance of legislative work and working of legislatures which will help in understanding Indian democracy in depth.
The Prime Minister highlighted role of the media in the context of 75 years of Independence, adding that when the media takes up issues like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, it reaches the people with great speed.