New Delhi: Days after celebrating his 59th birthday, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan received a threat. A case was filed against an unidentified person at the Bandra Police Station on Thursday. Police traced the call to Chhattisgarh and have reached Raipur. Officials are on the lookout for a man named Faizan Khan, whose phone was reportedly used to send the threat.
Sources told India Today TV that the caller threatened to harm Shah Rukh Khan if several crores weren’t paid as ransom.
The threat to the ‘Jawan’ star comes days after Salman Khan received a threat from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. The gang, which has been targeting Salman over his alleged involvement in the killing of a black buck, said that the actor should either visit a temple and apologise for allegedly killing a black buck or pay Rs 5 crore instead.
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