New Delhi: The trailer of the upcoming action thriller ‘Pathaan’ starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham is set to be projected on the grand Burj Khalifa in Dubai. The filmmakers Yash Raj Films have revealed that SRK who is currently in the Middle East for the International League T20, will witness the showcasing of his Pathaan trailer on the iconic Burj Khalifa.
“Pathaan is one of the most eagerly awaited films of our times and a film like this deserves to be mounted in the grandest manner when it comes to presenting it to audiences. We are thrilled to announce that Dubai will be celebrating Shah Rakh Khan and Pathaan as the trailer of the film will be showcased on the iconic Burj Khalifa!” Nelson D’Souza, Vice President, International Distribution was quoted as saying.
“We are delighted that Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently in UAE for the International League T20, will make time to be present when the trailer plays out on one of the most significant architectural marvels of the world. SRK has an unprecedented fan following in the UAE and we feel this activity befits the hype that Pathaan carries today, thanks to the overwhelming love that is being showered on it by his fans and audiences alike,” he added.
The film is all set to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023.
The two-and-a-half-minute-long trailer showcases Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika as spy agents standing against a powerful enemy, played by John Abraham, who is planning a big attack in India.
Shah Rukh’s character introduces with dialogue “Party Pathan ke ghar rakhoge to mehman navazi ke liye Pathan to ayega aur pathaake bhi layega.”