New Delhi: Cricketer Shikhar Dhawan is a busy man nowadays. The 36-year-old left-handed batsman is making his acting debut in Bollywood alongside Huma Qureshi in the Satram Ramani-directorial Double XL. The movie is scheduled for release on November 4. Acting seems to come naturally to Dhawan as is evident by the reels he shares on social media.
“When I went to the set, they taught me to dance; I picked it up easily. I was asked to dance for a specific scene, so I did it honestly, played my part and enjoyed it. I was confident that I could pull it off. Even though the role is small, I hope my fans like me in this new avatar.”
The script, which deals with body-image issues and society’s perception of beauty, was what motivated Dhawan to take on the role. “When this opportunity came to me and I heard the story, it made a deep impact on me. The film aims to deliver a healthy message to society and has the potential to start a conversation. This is a lovely message for the whole society, and I hope a lot of young girls and boys will keep pursuing their dreams no matter what,” he was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times.