Mumbai: Shilpa Shetty shared cryptic posts on Tuesday after her husband Raj Kundra was granted bail in the pornography films case. Kundra and his associate Ryan Thorpe were granted bail on Monday evening and were released the following morning.
Without reacting to her husband’s release, Shilpa wrote on Instagram stories, “Rainbows exist to prove that beautiful things can happen after a bad storm.
“There are always going to be moments that push you to the ground. In times like these, I truly believe that if you fall seven times, make yourself strong enough to be able to stand back up eight times. This rise will demand a lot of courage, grit, will-power, and strength during some of your most difficult moments. But, these qualities will only make you more resilient and robust in this journey called life. Every time that you rise back up, you will come back with renewed determination and motivation to make even the impossible possible.”
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