Mumbai: On a day when a lower court extended her husband Raj Kundra’s police custody and their house got raided by cops in the porn films case, Shilpa Shetty urged her fans and followers to watch her new movie ‘Hungama 2’.
Directed by Priyadarshan, ‘Hungama 2’ marks Shilpa’s comeback to films seven years after her last release ‘Dishkiyaoon’. It released on Disney+ Hotstar on Friday.
“I believe and practice the teachings of Yoga, ‘The only place where life exists is the present moment, NOW.’ Hungama 2 involves the relentless efforts of an entire team that’s worked very hard to make a good film, and the film shouldn’t suffer… ever,” she posted on Twitter along with a poster of the film.
“So today, I request you all to watch Hungama 2 with your families to put a smile on your face and for the sake of every single person attached to the film. Thank you With gratitude, Shilpa Shetty Kundra,” she added.
I believe and practice the teachings of Yoga, “The only place where life exists is the present moment, NOW.”
Hungama 2 involves the relentless efforts of an entire team that’s worked very hard to make a good film, and the film shouldn’t suffer… ever!#Hungama2— SHILPA SHETTY KUNDRA (@TheShilpaShetty) July 23, 2021
So today, I request you all to watch Hungama 2 with your families to put a smile on your face and for the sake of every single person attached to the film.
Thank you??With gratitude,
Shilpa Shetty Kundra ???— SHILPA SHETTY KUNDRA (@TheShilpaShetty) July 23, 2021