New Delhi: In a fresh twist to the Shraddha Walkar case, Aftab Poonawalla has apparently not confessed to killing his live-in partner.
Aftab’s lawyer Abinash Kumar claimed on Tuesday that his client has not confessed in the court of law.
Aftab, accused of brutally killing Shraddha and chopping her body into 35 pieces before disposing of them in different places, was produced in Saket court today.
Aftab said in court that whatever happened was in the heat of the moment. His lawyer implied that Aftab did not mention Shraddha’s murder and there was no confession.
In Saket court, the judge asked Aftab: “Do you know what you have done?”
Aftab replied: “Everything happened in the heat of the moment, and it was not deliberate.”
Delhi Police claimed that Aftab confessed to having murdered Shraddha, and also provided a detailed account of what he did after killing his live-in partner.
The court extended Aftab’s police custody by four days. A narco test has already been allowed.
Aftab’s lawyer said family members of the accused are scared.
“They are scared after what has happened and wish to stay out of media glare for now. Even I have not been able to meet them yet. I am also planning to file a plea in the court to get in touch with Poonawala’s family,” Abinash told PTI.