New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan always exudes charm and even if he tries to hide, somehow, the air is rife with his aura. A recent example is a mob greeting him during a recent outing. The Bollywood superstar, who was recently named the CNN News18 Indian of the Year, was seen making a run to a clinic in Mumbai. After his appointment, a massive mob of photographers and fans gathered outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the superstar even though he sporting a hoodie and covering himself underneath an umbrella. However, his attempt failed.
In a video shared by a paparazzo on Instagram, Shah Rukh was seen leaving the clinic in the city with his manager by his side and Y+ security protecting him from the mob. The actor’s rare appearance came just days after he made headlines for his moving speech at the CNN News18 Indian of the Year.
Notably, Shah Rukh was named as the Indian of the Year at the event last week. Speaking to everyone seated in the room and those watching at home, Shah Rukh said, “I’d like to say something brash, I have kept my speech written because it is checked three to four times so that I don’t say something stupid and wrong, and I get picked on for it. But I still would like to say this, which is very, very brash,” Shah Rukh said, visibly emotional.
“I don’t just feel like the Indian of the Year, I feel, I’ve been the Indian of all the years gone by and I will be the Indian for the all the years to come. I am actually, ladies and gentlemen, the Indian for all ages,” Shah Rukh added.
“I’d like to thank everyone here and people who are watching this on television, hoards of you who came to this year to watch my films, some of you may not have liked them but I know deep down inside, you came there to support me, and my family so I bow down to you and thank you for bringing cheer to my family, my children, my loved ones and I thank you for making me the star I am yet again,” SRK said.
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