New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan-owned production house Red Chillies Entertainment has shared a notice on its official Instagram handle, warning against fraudulent offers about employment opportunities circulating online. The caption on the post read, “Important Notice from Red Chillies Entertainment.” The note shared by the production house reads, “It has come to our attention that there may be fraudulent offers circulating on various social media platforms, particularly WhatsApp, claiming to be associated with Red Chillies Entertainment.”
“We want to unequivocally state that Red Chillies Entertainment does not communicate and recruitment policy or offer any employment opportunities or any other opportunities via WhatsApp or any other social media platform,” read an excerpt from the statement.
The production house also stated that genuine opportunities are circulated via official channels only. “Genuine opportunities from Red Chillies Entertainment are communicated through our official channels only,” read the statement.
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