A day after Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said it would transfer Rs 1,76,051 crore to the government, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi lashed out at the ruling dispensation saying that “looting” the central bank would not help revive the economy.
The Congress party wrote on their official Twitter handle: “Rs. 1.76 lakh cr given to the govt by RBI is almost the exact same amount missing from Budget 2019 announcement. Where was that money spent? Why was it missing from the Budget? Looting the RBI like this only devastates our economy further and reduces the credit rating of the bank.”
Rs. 1.76 lakh cr given to the govt by RBI is almost the exact same amount missing from Budget 2019 announcement.
Where was that money spent? Why was it missing from the Budget?
Looting the RBI like this only devastates our economy further & reduces credit rating of the bank. pic.twitter.com/wZQ6dqYtdi
— Congress (@INCIndia) August 27, 2019
Rahul Gandhi also took to Twitter to blame Narendra Modi and Nirmala Sitharaman for what he termed as “self-created economic disaster”.
“Stealing from RBI won’t work – it’s like stealing a Band-Aid from the dispensary & sticking it on a gunshot wound,” Rahul Gandhi said.
PM & FM are clueless about how to solve their self created economic disaster.
Stealing from RBI won’t work – it’s like stealing a Band-Aid from the dispensary & sticking it on a gunshot wound. #RBILooted https://t.co/P7vEzWvTY3
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 27, 2019
The RBI on Monday had approved transferring the record high surplus amount of Rs 1,76,051 crore comprising Rs 1,23,414 crore of surplus for the year 2018-19 and Rs 52,637 crore excess provisions identified as per the revised Economic Capital Framework (ECF).