SUMUM Surgeons Conduct Surgery On New-Born With Rare Condition

Bhubaneswar: Surgeons at SUM Ultimate Medicare successfully conducted surgery to repair congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) in a new-born baby.

The premature baby, whose condition was diagnosed while still in the mother’s womb, was delivered in the eighth month of pregnancy through caesarian section.

In such cases, diaphragm of the baby which separates the chest and abdomen cavities don’t develop properly, causing the organs of the abdomen to move into chest cavity.

The baby, facing breathing difficulty, was kept on ventilator support for three days, informed Dr Pradeep Kumar Dey, Senior Consultant, Paediatric and Neonatology.

A team of doctors, led by paediatric surgeon Dr Antaryami Pradhan, planned a CDH repair surgery, which was conducted on the third day after birth.

“The severity in this case was much higher as the left lobe of the baby’s liver had also entered the chest cavity,” said Dr Ajay Kumar Gahan, Junior Consultant, adding that CDH is a rare condition found in one in 3000 new-born babies.

Dr Gahan informed that the baby will be undergoing an MRI scan next month while neuro-development assessment will be done every two months for the next two years.

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