Mumbai: Tata Motors on Sunday introduced a number of health and hygiene accessories that are crucial during the coronavirus pandemic.
Air Purifier
The Air-o-Pure 95 air purifier comes with an active carbon HEPA filter and UV-C light that promises to filter out viruses, bacteria and hazardous pollutants. The purifier made by Blaupunkt can fit into the cup holder slot of all Tata cars.
Air Filter
An additional filter that can remove particles up to 0.3 microns and improve air quality will be available for the Nexon and Harrier to begin with.
Sanitization Kit
The kit has a hand sanitizer, N95 masks, hand gloves, safety touch key, tissue box, mist diffuser and a driving kit that can be used to sanitize all touch points like steering wheel, handbrake, gear knob and the seats.
Vehicle Air & Surface Disinfectant Service
Tata is offering a vehicle air and surface disinfectant service which, when kept in a closed car for 20 minutes, can disinfect the cabin space.
Separator Films
Tata has also introduced barrier films to shield front and rear passengers in order to maintain distance.