Koraput: The Vigilance officials, who had unearthed property worth over Rs 4 crore of a primary schoolteacher in Rayagada district during a raid on Saturday, arrested him on Sunday.
On the allegation of possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income by Shisir Kumar Semili, teacher, Kampar UP School under Kashipur
block in Rayagada district, 6 teams of Vigilance had carried out simultaneous searches at 6 places on Saturday.
During the search, the teacher was found in possession of two triple-storey buildings at Nuapada, two double-storey buildings and 35 asbestos houses at Nuapada Chowk near Utkal Alumina Guest House under Doraguda police station in Rayagada district.
Besides, 2 four-wheelers, bank deposits, gold and silver ornaments, cash, insurance deposits were seized. The value of total movable and immovable properties was estimated at Rs 4.73 crore.
After inventory and further enquiry, the assets of the teacher was found in possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income to the tune of Rs 4,16,99,477 which constituted 307% of his known sources of income.
Koraput Vigilance has registered a case against Semili under Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Act, 2018. After his arrest, he has been forwarded to court.