Bargarh: Mango is the king of fruits. We all know that. But have you heard — leave alone seen or eaten — mangoes that cost Rs 2.5 to Rs 3 lakh per kg?
That’s how much the Miyazaki mango costs. Well, if you don’t mind the cost, the good news is, it now grows in Odisha, in the farms of Chandru Satyanarayan, a 50-year-old farmer from Nilathara village in Bargarh district.
Satyanarayan, who first heard about Miyakazi mangoes from a friend, imported saplings from Bangladesh three years ago. Now those saplings have blossomed into full-grown trees full of ripe Miyazaki mangoes.
What began as an experiment is now a story that inspires other villagers.
“People from across the state visit our farm. Father started it as an experiment, whether it suits our climate and if the product is affected or not. It’s the second year of yield and the produce has been satisfactory,” said Sai Bhaskar, son of Satyanarayan.
The ruby-hued mango got its name from southern Japan’s Miyazaki Prefecture, where it was originally grown.