New Delhi: The wait is finally over. Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ambitious project Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar is finally releasing today on Netflix. While the expectations from this magnum opus are sky-high, at the Los Angeles premiere of the web show, the filmmaker revealed that earlier he wanted to make it as a movie with Rekha, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Rani Mukerji. He added that Heeramandi has been with him for 18 years, but since the story was expensive it didn’t materialise into a movie.
“Rekha, Kareena and Rani were my first choices for Heeramandi.” – Sanjay Leela Bhansali
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“This was 18 years ago so at one point it was Rekha ji, Kareena and Rani Mukerji. Then it changed into another cast, then it changed into another cast,” said Bhansali at the premiere while talking to Lily Singh adding that Heeramandi was “supposed to be a film.” The filmmaker also revealed that he considered casting Pakistani actors Mahira Khan, Fawad Khan and Imran Abbas in the show, but “then it all changed.”