New Delhi: Aamir Khan’s upcoming Laal Singh Chaddha has come in for controversy with #BoycottLaalSinghChaddha trending on Twitter. Aamir Khan, who is both co-producer and actor in the film, recently reacted to the boycott trend regarding his film saying, “Yes, I feel sad,” reported India Today.
The actor added, “Also, I feel sad that some of the people who are saying this, in their heart, they believe that I am someone who doesn’t like India. In their hearts they believe, but it is untrue. It is rather unfortunate that some people feel that way. That’s not the case.” He requested fans to give his film a fair chance and added, “Please don’t boycott my film. Please watch my film.”
The boycott trend regarding the film began after a section of the Internet dug out Aamir Khan’s 2015 interview bits, where he said that his ex-filmmaker wife Kiran Rao had suggested they move countries because of “growing intolerance.” His comments had provoked nationwide protests.
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