New Delhi: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu celebrated the International Mother Language Day on Sunday in a unique manner by tweeting in Odia along with 21 other Indian languages and English.
Besides, Naidu also wrote articles in 24 vernacular newspapers, including Samaj in Odisha, on the importance of promoting one’s mother tongue.
The Vice President, who is known as a champion of promoting mother languages, in his tweets, said that linguistic diversity has always been one of the foundational pillars of Indian civilization. “More than just a means of communication, our mother languages connect us with our heritage and define our socio-cultural identity,” Naidu added.
Calling for increased use of mother tongue in all spheres — from primary education to governance, the Vice President tweeted, “We must encourage the creative expression of our thoughts and ideas in our own languages!”.
Naidu also participated in a webinar, organized jointly by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture to celebrate International Mother Language Day. He was also the Chief Guest at a programme organised on the occasion by Swarna Bharat Trust, Hyderabad.