Bhawanipatna: The Vigilance department has begun a probe into the alleged embezzlement of Rs 39 lakh by a woman accountant at the office of the Bhawanipatna Sadar Block Education Officer (BEO) in Odisha’s Kalahandi district. The money was meant for salaries and other dues of school teachers.
Bhawanipatna Sadar BEO Thakur Sahoo and his deputy Jay Kumar Majhi had lodged an FIR against the woman accountant, Suchismita Suar.
According to the FIR, Suchismita allegedly transferred Rs 39.30 lakh from the BEO office’s SBI account (No. 40443186232) to her personal SBI account (No. 11083625855) between June 4 and September 27 this year.