Vivo on Wednesday launched V15 Pro, a cellphone with the world’s first motorised pop-up 32MP front camera that has eliminated the notch completely. The light and proximity sensors are also hidden behind the 6.39-inch full HD+ display. It is priced at Rs 28,990.
The camera-centric phone has a 48MP triple camera layout at the rear, one of the sensors being ultra-wide-angled. It also has a Time of Flight (TOF) 3D sensor, which the company claims is the best way for face unlocks. There is an in-display fingerprint sensor.
The V15 Pro is the first phone in India to feature Snapdragon 675 processor, which the company claims is made for gaming, artificial intelligence and camera. It has a dedicated “e-sports” mode for better gaming experience. The phone comes with a 6GB RAM and 128 GB storage and has a 3,700 mAh battery.
Normal selfies are a thing of the past. Now you’ll pop selfies that leave the world flabbergasted – their eyes will pop in awe! #VivoV15Pro with the world’s first 32MP Pop-up Selfie Camera is launching today. #GoPop
— Vivo India (@Vivo_India) February 20, 2019
It is available in blue and red colours. The model will be available both offline and online from March 6. Online partners include Amazon India, Paytm Mall, Flipkart, and more. Offline channels such as Reliance Digital, Vijay Sales and more will also sell it.
As part of the launch offer, the company is giving 5 per cent cashback on HDFC cards and one-time screen replacement. There is a zero down-payment option from IDFC bank.