Mumbai: Whenever there is talk of mental health among celebrities in India, the name of Deepika Padukone crops up. Ever since Bollywood’s leading lady shared with the world how she felt depressed in her younger days, many others have talked openly about depression and ways of dealing with it.
Now, Ira — Aamir Khan’s daughter from his former wife Reena Dutta — has revealed that she is suffering from clinical depression. The 23-year-old posted a video in Instagram on World Mental Health Day to share her condition.
“A lot has been going on, a lot of people have a lot to say. Things are really confusing and stressful and simple and okay but not okay and… life all together. There’s no way to say it all in one go. But I’d like to think I’ve figured some stuff out, or at least figured out how to make it slightly more understandable. About mental health and mental ill-health. So come with me on this journey… in my awkward, quirky, sometimes-baby-voice-y, as-honest-as-I-can-be… way. Let’s start a conversation. Happy World Mental Health Day,” Ira has posted along with the video.
Ira, who has been depressed for more than four years, says: “I’ve been to a doctor and I’m clinically depressed. I’m doing much better now. For over a year now, I wanted to do something for mental health, but I wasn’t sure what to do.”
She ends the short video by asking the question she had asked at the beginning; “What do I have to be depressed about? Who am I to be depressed? I have everything, right?”
Watch the video here: