Hyderabad: Actor Allu Arjun appeared before the Chikkadpally police on Tuesday morning for questioning in connection with the stampede during the screening of ‘Pushpa-2’ in Hyderabad.
On the same day, the actor’s Jubilee hills residence was seen covered with white sheet and curtains.
In a video shared by ANI on X, besides the white sheets and curtains, additional police force was also seen deployed outside the actor’s residence.
Watch the video here:
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: White sheets put up at the entrance of the residence of Actor Allu Arjun in Jubilee Hills.
Allu Arjun has currently appeared before Hyderabad police at Chikkadpally police station in connection with the Sandhya theatre incident. pic.twitter.com/sPc3kVqdaK
— ANI (@ANI) December 24, 2024
On Sunday evening, six people, claiming to be members of Osmania University – Joint Action Committee (OU-JAC), destroyed flower pots and hurled tomatoes at the ‘Pushpa’ actor’s residence. They were later taken into custody but released on bail on the condition that each individual provides two sureties of Rs 10,000.
On December 4, Allu Arjun visited Sandhya Theatres for watching the premiere of ‘Pushpa 2’ with his fans. Unfortunately, the actor’s surprise visit led to a stampede, which left a 35-year-old woman dead and her son critically injured.