New Delhi: The video of an air hostess, Oshin Ale, aboard the fateful Yeti Airlines plane that crashed in Nepal on Sunday has surfaced on the internet. She was among the four cabin crew who died in the crash. Ale was a popular TikToker in Nepal. The TikTok video shows her smiling and posing on the plane. The passenger plane with 72 people, including five Indians, crashed into a river gorge while landing at the newly-opened airport in the resort city of Pokhara, killing at least 68 people onboard.
The Air hostess in #YetiAirlinesCrash
Live life to the fullest as long as you are alive because death is unexpected!
Just sharing TikTok video of Air Hostess Oshin Magar who lost her life in #NepalPlaneCrash today
जहां भी रहो ऐसे ही रहो!
Rest in Peace !!💐#Nepal #planecrash— Deep Ahlawat 🇮🇳🎭 (@DeepAhlawt) January 15, 2023