New Delhi: A sea of fans surrounded Shah Rukh Khan at the Srinagar airport on Friday as he reached there to board a flight. In a viral video, SRK can be seen being mobbed by a sea of fans trying to take a selfie with the actor. While Shah Rukh tried to find his way around and get out of the crowd, it was a struggle as fans appeared to not let him go without a selfie.
At the airport, Shah Rukh was seen wearing an all-black ensemble. In a few pictures that surfaced online, Shah Rukh was also seen wearing a bomber jacket. Shah Rukh was in Kashmir to shoot for a schedule of Dunki. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film also stars Taapsee Pannu in the lead.
SRK fan frenzy at Srinagar Airport 🔥#ShahRukhKhan𓀠#SRK𓃵 #Dunki #Jawan
— SRK’s Vasim  (@iamvasimt) April 28, 2023