New Delhi: Drenched in sweat and carrying a backpack, the 19-year-old boy is running down a street in Noida near New Delhi on Sunday night. Filmmaker and author Vinod Kapri, who spots him while driving along the street, offers him a lift home. But the boy refuses.
Kapri filmed a video from inside his moving car with the boy running alongside as the filmmaker speaks to him. Who is he? Why is he running at night? The video has gone viral with over 3 million views.
The boy, Pradeep Mehra, tells Kapri that he was going home after his shift at a McDonald’s outlet. This was his daily routine: running 10 km on way home every night after work.
Kapri offers to drop him home but Pradeep says he prefers to run home at night as he has no time to do so in the morning. On why is he running at this hour, he says, “To join the Army.”
Pradeep wakes up at 8 am every day and cooks before heading to work. He is from Uttarakhand and lives with his brother. His mother is unwell and has been hospitalised.
Kapri tells him that this clip will go viral.
“It’s okay, I’m not doing anything wrong,” the boy laughs.
“Come, have dinner with me,” Kapri says.
Pradeep, who has to cook after reaching home, replies that in that case, his elder brother would go hungry.
The boy once again refuses Kapri’s offer to drop him home. Both then go their separate ways.