New Delhi: Social influencer and actress Kusha Kapila announced her separation from husband Zorawar Ahluwalia last month and started being trolled immediately thereafter. So much so, that an old video of hers with Karan Johar went viral on social media. In the viral clip, the two were seen talking about infidelity. Finally, Kusha has reacted to it.
She recently took to her Instagram stories and lashed out at trolls. She mentioned that she has restricted ‘countless profiles’ on social media ever since she announced her separation and bashed them for spreading negativity. The Masaba Masaba actress made it clear that her relationship with Zoravar is now over and shared that she is ‘moving forward’ now.
“This topic is officially over for me, moving forward. I haven’t given a statement to anyone nor will I ever give one. I do not have a PR team so no story is a plant. Ho gaya ab (It’s done now). Also, I have restricted countless profiles over the last two weeks, restricted words, sanitised comment sections and hopefully, we are at the tail end of it but that doesn’t mean I haven’t seen how so many of you have fought with these nalayak, behuda macchars with logic and so much dignity. It sucks that you have to do this but I promise that I am santizing my feed slowly, but steadily. Over,” she wrote.
On June 26, Kusha Kapila and Zoravar Ahluwalia issued a joint statement and revealed that “we gave it our all, until we couldn’t anymore.” “Zorawar and I have mutually decided to part ways. This hasn’t been an easy decision by any measure but we know it’s the right one at this point in our lives. The love and life we have shared together continues to mean everything for us but sadly, what we seek currently for ourselves doesn’t align. We gave it our all, until we couldn’t anymore,” the joint statement read.
The former couple further mentioned that a ‘relationship ending is heartbreaking’ and therefore they need time for healing. “We will continue to co-parent the love of our lives, Maya. And continue to be each others cheerleaders and pillars of support,” the statement added.