New Delhi: Bollywood singer Shreya Ghoshal sang ‘Barso Re Megha’ from Mani Ratnam’s ‘Guru’ for a group of people at the 40th anniversary celebration of Infosys in Bengaluru. As others also joined her in the singing, Sudha Murthy broke into a dance. Swinging her hands in the air. Shreya quickly handed someone her phone to record a video of the moment. Watch the video here.
Omg..!!!๐๐ป legend’s Sudhamurthy amma & Shreyaghoshal di
. #SudhaMurty mam @shreyaghoshal #Infosys #ShreyaGhoshal #Legends
(Sudha amma dances her heart out on ‘Barso Re Megha’ with shreya di๐๐ป๐ฅ)โ ๐๐บ๐๐๐๐๐_๐บ๐๐๐๐ (@Sush36068856) December 15, 2022
Sudha is a writer and philanthropist and wife of billionaire businessman and Infosys founder Narayan Murthy. She is also the mother-in-law of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
Shreya Ghoshal is a singer and composer who has made a significant impact on the Hindi film industry. She was born in West Bengal and began singing at a young age, eventually winning the Sa Re Ga Ma Pa contest in 2000. Shreya’s vocal range and emotive style have made her one of the most popular and respected singers in India. She has released numerous solo albums and has lent her voice to hundreds of Bollywood films, earning numerous awards and accolades for her work. Ghoshal has also performed internationally, including at the Royal Albert Hall in London.