New Delhi: Days after surviving a ‘very big’ heart attack, Sushmita Sen walked the ramp for fashion designer Anushree Reddy. In the pictures that have now surfaced on social media, the Bollywood diva can be seen posing in a lime green embellished lehenga. She accessorised her look with a green necklace and a finger ring.
Hours after walking the ramp, Sushmita Sen held a ‘quick’ live session on social media and shared that it was a ‘beautiful’ experience. She also added that it was a lot of ‘fun’.
Earlier this month, Sushmita Sen left her fans shocked and worried after she revealed suffering a heart attack recently. She dropped a picture with her father on social media and shared her health update. “I suffered a heart attack a couple of days back…Angioplasty done…stent in place…and most importantly, my cardiologist reconfirmed ‘I do have a big heart’,” she wrote.
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Later during a live session on Instagram, Sushmita revealed that she had 95 percent blockage in her main artery and mentioned that she survived a ‘very big’ heart attack. The actress also thanked her doctors for ‘saving her life’. “I survived a very big heart attack. It was very big. 95 percent blockage in the main artery,” she said and added, “It was a phase and it passed”.
Sushmita Sen will be next seen in Aarya 3 and Taali, which is based on the life of transgender activist Gauri and her rise in the community.
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