New Delhi: Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira is now engaged to her longtime boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. The couple announced the engagement in an identical post on Instagram. They shared a video from Ironman Italy, where Nupur participated. It includes swimming, cycling and running. Nupur proposed to Ira during the cycling race, which was part of the Ironman. In the video, Nupur can be seen wearing a cycling outfit and going down on his knee with a ring and asking Ira, “Will you marry me”, to which Ira replies “yes”.
Nupur shared two pictures, one of which he captioned, “She said yes” while sharing another picture, he wrote, “Ironman had a special spot jahan humara roka hua, get it.” Nupur in this picture was referring to the board that was right between the two at the time of the proposal.
Sharing the video, the couple wrote, “Popeye: She said yes. Ira: Hehe. I said yes.”
Many wished the couple in the comments section.
Actor Fatima Sana Shaikh wrote, “This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Uff. Nupur Shikhare so film uff…” with heart emojis.
Rhea Chakraborty wrote, “Congratulations you guys” with star-eyed and heart emojis.
Sachin Tendulkar’s daughter Sara wrote, “Omg congratulations!!” Sushmita Sen’s ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl too commented on the post. He wrote, “Congratulations you two” with heart emojis.
Tiger Shroff’s sister Krishna Shroff too reacted to the couple’s post. She wrote, “This is the cutest thing ever! Congratulations, baby girl.”
For the uninformed, Nupur Shikhare is a celebrity fitness trainer in India.
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