New Delhi: The viral video of a child’s response to an unconventional exam question has captured widespread attention with a humourous answer to an unconventional exam question. The viral reel, shared on the Instagram account @rohit_hand_writing, features a photograph of a student’s answer sheet that has sparked a lot of amusement online. The purported question on the exam was: “Why does Gandhiji laugh on every note?” The student’s answer, “…because if he cries, the note will get wet!” has drawn both laughs and skepticism. The video claims that the teacher awarded the student a perfect score of 10 out of 10 for this response.
The video has amassed 55 lakh views. Reactions have ranged from humourous commentary to disbelief, with viewers noting that the question and answer appear to have been written by the same hand. A comment on the post humourously noted ‘like student, like madam’ who gave 10 out of 10 marks to the child.
“The child has written the right thing,” exclaimed another user. The post has elicited numerous laughing emojis and engaging responses from the public.
However, the authenticity of the post remains questionable. A look at the Instagram shows many other such offbeat questions and their equally offbeat answers.