New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi may contest the Lok Sabha elections from Amethi after polling concludes in Kerala’s Wayanad on Friday. Besides, Congress may field his sister Priyanka Gandhi from Rae Bareli, the seat vacated by their mother Sonia Gandhi earlier this year after she entered the Rajya Sabha, News18 reported quoting sources. The final announcement will come after April 26 and nominations are likely to be filed next week, sources were quoted as saying.
Notably, Rahul is contesting from Wayanad, which will go to polls in the second phase on Friday. He won the seat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Back home in Amethi, he was defeated by BJP’s Smriti Irani. Former MLC and Congress leader Deepak Singh told ANI that Rahul will come to Amethi on April 26.