New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a charge sheet against Congress leader Jagdish Tytler in the 39-year-old anti-Sikh riots case. The Congress leader was named in the chargesheet following fresh evidence against him, officials said.
The probe agency had last month collected Tytler’s voice samples in connection with the violence in the national capital’s Pul Bangash area in 1984, where three people were killed. The Congress leader is accused of inciting a mob that murdered the victims.
Tytler, however, has insisted that there is not even a “single evidence” against him.
“What have I done? If there’s evidence against me, then I’m prepared to hang myself…It wasn’t related to 1984 riots case for which they wanted my voice (sample), but another case,” he said while leaving the the CBI’s forensics laboratory where his voice samples were collected, news agency ANI reported.