2024 Chandipura Virus Outbreak In India Largest In 20 Years, Says WHO; Cases Declining

New Delhi: This year’s Chandipura virus outbreak in India is the largest in the past 20 years, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The Union Health ministry reported 245 cases of acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) between June and August 15, 2024, leading to 82 deaths.

Of these, 64 cases were confirmed as Chandipura virus infection, making this the largest outbreak in the last two decades, WHO said.

As many as 61 Chandipura virus cases were reported from Gujarat and 3 in Rajasthan.

Also Read: Chandipura Virus Has Claimed 28 Children’s Lives In Gujarat Since July; Here Are Details

The good news is that there is a decline in AES since the third week of July, with no Chandipura virus case or death having been reported since early August. Hence there is no immediate threat of a bigger outbreak or spread to other parts of the country.

Acute Encephalitis Syndrome & Chandipura Virus

AES is an inflammation of the brain and leads to sudden onset of fever and change in mental status, like confusion, disorientation, delirium or coma. It can also cause seizures, irritability, vomiting, personality changes.

Chandipura virus, a member of Rhabdoviridae family, is endemic in India and has historically caused outbreaks of AES, especially during monsoon season. It is transmitted by vectors such as sandflies, mosquitoes and ticks.

The biggest threat posed by Chandipura virus is its high case-fatality ratio, which ranges from 56% to 75%.

Since there is no specific treatment or vaccine for this virus, early detection and intensive supportive care are critical.

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