New Delhi: A Ganesh idol immersion event turned tragic, claiming the lives of three children in the Dhule district of Maharashtra on Tuesday. According to police, nine people including three children were run over by a tractor carrying a Ganesh idol for immersion at around 12.30 pm at Chitod village in Dhule tehsil.
The accident occurred when the driver got down for some reason and one of the Ganesh Mandal members took the driver’s seat and started the vehicle. But he could not control the vehicle and it reversed ploughing into the crowd behind.
One of the dead is the niece of the person who started the vehicle. He fled the spot but was soon apprehended, along with the actual driver, by the police. The dead children were identified as Pari Shantaram Bagul (13 years), Shera Bapu Sonawane (6 years) and Lahu Pawra (3 years). Those seriously injured included Gayatri Pawar (25), Vidya Jadhav (27), Ajay Somvanshi (23), Ujjwala Malche (23), Lalita More (16) and Vidya Sonawane (17). They have been admitted to a local hospital.