Sambalpur: The Cyber police unearthed a GST fraud to the tune of Rs 13.75 crore and arrested four persons. The arrested have been found to have links with the Urban Cooperative Bank, Rourkela.
Those arrested are: Akshay Kumar Nayak who was working as Assistant Manager of UCB-Main Branch in Rourkela; Prasanta Kumar Jena senior clerk in the same bank and Subash Chandra Swain from Basanti Colony, Rourkela. The fourth accused is a businessman Amit Beriwal of Sambalpur.
The Cyber team also seized the vehicle used for committing the offence and the mobile phone of the accused. They were arrested on Sunday and forwarded to judicial custody.
The GST conducted the raid after one Achyutananda Badhei of Kultanuapali under Sambalpur Sadar police limits lodged a written complaint alleging identity theft and cheating were committed by using his PAN Card.
Badhei stated that he learnt about the fraud only after Income Tax Department, Sambalpur informed him about huge transactions in his account without IT returns. He was told that financial transactions of Rs 13,76,02,734 during financial year 2017-2018 were carried out but no income tax return was filed by the cyber criminals.
Badhei informed the Cyber police here. Cyber police seized a costly car from the possession of Beriwal and Swain, who were also found involved in many other GST fraud cases.