Bhubaneswar: Apple on Tuesday launched its high-end wireless headphones AirPods Max worth $550 (approx Rs 40,000). However, the fancy headphones are trending on social media as a joke for its carrying case that resembles a purse or a bra.
The “Smart Case” in question helps preserve battery life by putting the headphones in an “ultralow power state”. The case wraps around the headphones in an unusual manner and is drawing comparison with a bra.
Here are some of the reactions on social media:
Introducing Apple Bra™ #OneMoreThing
— ᴺᴼᵀ Jony Ive (@JonyIveParody) December 8, 2020
Just had a quick look… lol. So the case looks like a bra and the head band looks like a sanitary towel. This is not how you include women in tech
— Jo Eyre (@Jo_Eyre) December 8, 2020
The case for the $549.00 Apple Airpods Max headphones.
Kinda looks like a bra?
— Edem ∞ Kumordjie (@TheRealEdem) December 8, 2020
On a serious note, the Apple AirPods Max has 20 hours of battery life and active noise cancellation.