Sunday Poem: Remembering

Sometimes you come with an unheard tread And slip into my heart. Sometimes your unfelt touch soothes away heartache Sometimes an unspoken word Halts my impetuous tongue. Sometimes I see…

Sunday Poem: Goodbye

Smitten by living Drowned in experience I was heedless Till a moment fraught Taught me the lesson of mortality Not morbid but prescient. I finally opened The Bhagvad Gita of…


I am not a saint Don't make one of me. It wasn't all sacrifice and humility and truth. I didn't start out to Appropriate the forgotten. It was not till they tweaked my soul That I…


I fell into a dream And awoke in it And I have been In the dream since. The world is mine The rivers and the mountains And the sentient trees; The fishes, birds and animals Talk to…